Practical Evening - Still Life

Image: Kath Hill
Last night we held our first practical night of the season. We used light boxes to shoot still life images. When we were asked to prepare something to bring, I wracked my brain for days to come up with something imaginative that might not have been seen before. The end result seemed to work ok, whether a judge will like it would be a different matter. There were some fantastic sets by members which will inspire others in the future, I’m sure. There was plenty of help on hand by our more experienced members and I made sure to draw on that knowledge and Ian’s hand to pour my skittles. There were lots of post processing hints and tips too. It was lovely to have a chance for us to be in a relaxed atmosphere and chat to each other.
Thanks to Jim C who brought his macro set up in to share with us all. Jim has made the whole rig and it is a truly, marvellous piece of kit. It's easy to see how he has produced such remarkable images with it.
Thanks to everyone that made it happen and to Ray H for taking some shots of the night, as I was too busy being baffled by our resident composite king, Ray G, telling me how to use layers in Photoshop to put my images together. He made it sound as easy as breathing. The wonderful thing about our club is that I know when I reach out for help with this there will be someone there to save the day. All in all, it was a very enjoyable night.
If you would like to join us, we are a friendly bunch and welcome new members. You can “Try before you buy!” and come for up to three sessions before you must join. A session costs £2.50 and membership is £30. We meet on a Wednesday 7.45pm and St Andrews Church, Winsford.
Karen Swift
Press & Publicity Officer